Eyelid Surgery

By removing excess fat, skin and muscle from the eyelids, blepharoplasty can rejuvenate puffy, sagging or tired-looking eyes. It can improve vision by lifting droopy eyelids out of the patient’s field of vision.
The procedure is performed in an ambulatory surgery center with local anesthesia and lasts 20 to 30 minutes depending on how much work is done. Incisions are made along the eyelids in an inconspicuous place in the creases of the upper lids. The surgeon removes excess tissue through these incisions and then stitches them closed with fine sutures.
Stitches are removed after one week and most people return to work at that time. Contact lenses may not be worn for two weeks. Eyes can be sensitive to light and wind and may be slightly irritable for a short while; your surgeon may prescribe eye drops and strongly encourages cold compresses to counteract these discomforts and minimize bruising and swelling.The effects of blepharoplasty typically last for about 15 to 20 years. Complications from the procedure are uncommon, and can include: infection, reaction to anesthesia, double or blurred vision for a few days, temporary swelling of the eyelids, tiny whiteheads, and difficulty closing eyes when going to sleep. Uneven healing and scarring are very rare and may require surgical correction. Patients with thyroid problems, dry eye, high blood pressure, diabetes, detached retina, glaucoma or other health problems should consult with an ophthalmologist about eligibility.